Since starting a fine art photography business and working in an art gallery, I have become increasingly curious about why people buy art. What motivates someone to drop hundreds or even millions of dollars on a picture or piece of canvas? Why do we even bother hanging up pictures on our walls? If you’re curious as well, these are the top 10 reasons I found that explain why we feel the need to create and purchase art.
Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.
1. Our Love of Art
People are emotional beings. Yes, we may like to think of ourselves as stoic, unemotional, and rational people. However, in reality, we all have feelings. Certain people, pets, surroundings, sights, and sounds have the power to make us feel things. When we view art, it can make us feel uplifted, melancholy, energized, sentimental, or relaxed.
Many times it is impossible to put a word to how art can make us feel other than it just feels GOOD. When something makes us feel good, we often decide we have to have it. We make an instinctive decision to purchase and then proudly display our works of art on our walls. We happily glance and even stare in wonder at our art for years and even decades.
2. Financial Investment
It is a simple fact that most art appreciates over time. Have you ever found a beautiful sculpture or painting that’s more than 100 years old? Very likely, that item will be worth ten or even one hundred times more than what it was when the artwork was originally created. Also, once the artist passes away, their art will likely double, triple, or even quadruple in value overnight. Since the creator is no longer around, every piece of art they created instantly becomes even more limited and valuable.
3. Improves Our Environment
Look around you right now. What draws your eyes? Is it something different or beautiful? Studies have shown that viewing art can positively impact your health and well-being in several essential ways, like lowering anxiety and depression and boosting critical thinking skills.
The purpose of art is to wash the dust of daily life off our souls.
Pablo Picasso
4. Gifting
Choosing gifts for others is often HARD. It can be a challenge to figure out what size clothes I wear, let alone know what size other people wear. You likely won’t know all the items your friends and family have in their possession or exactly what they desire for their birthday or Christmas. This is where art comes in! Art is a wonderful, unique, and thoughtful gift idea. Whether you choose wall art, a sculpture, or some other type of artistic masterpiece, it is highly unlikely you can go wrong when you give the gift of art.
5. Self-Expression
From clothing, tattoos, and hairstyles to the car we drive and the house we live in, we love to express ourselves. The art we choose to display in our home is another fun way to express our personality. It feels good to have a home that reflects who we are at our core.
Art is too important not to share.
Romero Britto
6. Support the Arts
The world would be a dull place without the arts. People travel thousands of miles to view art like the Mona Lisa and Michaelangelo’s statue of David. Local art shows give us something to do on Friday and Saturday nights and local artisans pour their hearts into works that reflect their culture and heritage. Without art, we wouldn’t know much about past civilizations like the Mayans and Incas. If you have ever appreciated a beautiful painting or felt moved by an intricate carving, consider investing in the arts. It helps ensure that people will continue to create.
7. Own Something Unique
It’s fun to own something completely different from your friends, family, or neighbors. Owning something unique like a piece of art is a great way to express yourself and can lead to feeling special, different, and less cookie cutter. If we were all the same, the world would be a boring place.
8. Conversation Starter
Do you entertain often? Art can be a wonderful conversation starter. As you show newcomers around your house, you can point out various pieces and discuss where they came from, who the creator is, and why each artistic item carries special meaning for you. Art discussions are an excellent way to get to know your guests and help them get to know you.
9. Adds Character & Warmth to a Space
As you look around a home, office, or restaurant, the art displayed their shelves or walls adds both character and warmth. Do you recall visiting certain doctor offices or tax collector offices that likely lacked art? The rooms probably felt cold, uninspiring, and plain. No matter what your style is, art is sure to add character and warmth.
Creativity takes courage.
henri matisse
10. Inspires & Motivates Us
Last, but not least, art can inspire and motivate us. Certain colors bring us to life, art can remind us of happy memories, and artwork can help us see the world in a new light. Other than books, few items in our lives have the ability to inspire and motivate us like art. Art can also remind us of the creator in all of us. If the artist who created the work has the courage to express themselves like that, why can’t you?
While art may seem like an unnecessary luxury, it is a wonderful way to treat ourselves or someone we love to something special. Whether you decide to purchase my art or spend your money elsewhere, I hope you’ll consider supporting the arts.